- Bits & Bytes
- Command-line Arguments
- Dynamischer Speicher
- sizeof
- Strukturen
- File I/O
- Pipes
- Ausbesserungsbeispiel
output = output & 0x80;
output &= (1 << 7);
output = output | 0x10;
output |= (1 << 4);
output = output ^ 0x01;
output ^= (1 << 0);
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int count; printf ("This program was called with \"%s\".\n",argv[0]); if (argc > 1) { for (count = 1; count < argc; count++) { printf("argv[%d] = %s\n", count, argv[count]); } } else { printf("The command had no other arguments.\n"); } return 0; }
an (in Bytes angegeben)
1int main()
2 int* mem = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int) * 2);
3 if(mem == NULL) return 0;
4 *mem = 1;
5 *(mem + 1) = 2;
6 mem[0] = 3;
7 mem[1] = 4;
8 free(mem);
return 0;
auf NULL
auf NULL
Hilfspointer verwenden:
char* text = (char*)malloc(8 * sizeof(char)); char* new_text = (char*)realloc(text, 16 * sizeof(char)); if(new_text != NULL) { text = new_text; } else { free(text); printf("Out of memory!\n"); }
1int* x = (int*)malloc(3 * sizeof(int));
2x = (int*)realloc(x, 16);
3if(x == NULL)
4 free(x);
5 printf("Out of memory!");
1int* x = (int*)malloc(3 * sizeof(int));
2int* new_x = (int*)realloc(x, 16);
3if(new_x != NULL)
x = new_x;
5 free(x);
6 printf("Out of memory!\n");
int charsize = sizeof(char);
int ptrsize = sizeof(int*);
int size = sizeof("Hallo");
int x[20]; int len = sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]);
int* x = (int*)malloc(100); int len = sizeof(x);
int x[20]; int* y = x; int len = sizeof(y) / sizeof(y[0]);
char* hallo = "Hallo"; int size = sizeof(hallo);
int* x = (int*)malloc(10);
int* x = (int*)malloc(10 * sizeof(int));
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> int main() { char* text = (char*)malloc(6 * sizeof(char)); strcpy(text, "Hallo!"); printf("%s\n", text); return 0; }Kompilieren:
clang -Wall -g -o valgrind_test valgrind_test.cValgrind:
valgrind --leak-check=full ./valgrind_test
#include <stdio.h> struct _Person_ { char* name_; int age_; }; int main() { struct _Person_ petra; petra.name_ = "Petra"; petra.age_ = 17; return 0; }
[...] typedef struct _Person_ { char* name_; int age_; } Person; [...] Person petra; petra.name_ = "Petra"; petra.age_ = 17; [...]
[...] typedef struct _Person_ { char* name_; int age_; } Person; [...] Person* petra = (Person*)malloc(sizeof(Person)); petra->name_ = "Petra"; petra->age_ = 17; [...] free(petra);
struct _Person_ { char* name_; int age_; struct _Person_* father_; struct _Person_* mother_; };
#include <stdio.h> typedef struct _FileParserReturn_ { char file_present_ : 1; char file_open_failed_ : 1; char ignored_ : 6; } FileParserReturn; FileParserReturn parseConfigFile( ... ) { FileParserReturn return_value; ... return_value.file_present_ = 1; return return_value; }
s"#include <stdio.h> typedef enum _FileParserReturn_ { FILE_PRESENT, FILE_OPEN_FAILED } FileParserReturn; FileParserReturn parseConfigFile( ... ) { ... return FILE_PRESENT; }
fopen(const char * filename, const char * mode);
fread(void * dst, size_t size, size_t items, FILE * file);
fwrite(const void * data, size_t size, size_t items, FILE * file);
in Datei speichernstruct
s können in Binärdateien gespeichert werden[...] struct _Phone_ { int country_code_; int number_; }__attribute__((packed)); [...] struct _Phone_ number; number.number_ = 1234567; number.country_code_ = 43; FILE* file = fopen("phone_numbers", "wb"); // wb = write binary fwrite(&number, sizeof(struct _Phone_), 1, file); fclose(file);
aus Datei lesenstruct
s können aus Binärdateien geladen werden[...] struct _Phone_ { int country_code_; int number_; }__attribute__((packed)); [...] struct _Phone_ number; FILE* file = fopen("phone_numbers", "rb"); // rb = read binary fread(&number, sizeof(struct _Phone_), 1, file); fclose(file);
in Datei gespeichert werden soll
long size; fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);
Möglichkeit, die Ausgabe der einzelnen Befehle umzuleiten bzw. an andere Befehle weiterzuleiten.
./programm > ausgabe.txt
./programm < eingabe.txt
./programm 2> error.txt
./programm < input.txt 1> output.txt 2> error.txt
./programm | tail
echo $?